Drop your email address here and when we offer free taster sessions, fun trials, competitions or early booking discounts you will be the first to know.
Yes we work with a number of schools around the local area providing both taster sessions during school time, to after school sessions in playgrounds and local courts. Register your interest on the website and let us know exactly what you are looking for so we can keep you in touch – and if you would like tennis provided at your child’s school, then help us talk to the school to get started!
In this instance, you must ensure the coach knows this before the session starts, and you will need to sign to say this. If this changes during a session, you must leave a message for the coach and provide a password for the new person to use to collect your child.
Please contact the coach by text call or email as soon as you know they won’t be able to make the session.
Yes rackets can be borrowed during all sessions.
It’s rare that a tennis session gets cancelled, but it can happen. Given the changeable British weather we endeavour to give around 30 minutes notice if a session is to be cancelled and this session is usually added to the end of the course. It isn’t always possible to give a lot of notice, if the heavens open last minute, but we do our best, always.
We can engage with tennis clubs around the local area and we can provide you with weekend and school holiday camps for your child to join. Just contact us for more details.
Your childs safety and wellbeing is paramount to us. We are not a huge national company with hundreds of staff; Luke has been Head Coach at Great Missenden lawn tennis Club for a number of years and, we are local parents with children at local nurseries and schools. We would be happy to meet you at any time to suit you first. It’s vital that you feel comfortable with the coach at the session and the care that’s provided during the session; all parents are encouraged to watch sessions whenever they want.
Additionally we are all LTA approved (Lawn Tennis Association) and we are all fully DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked.
We usually work to a pretty tight schedule, so we do need you to collect your child on time. In the event that you are going to be unavoidably late we ask that you call the coach to ensure they know. Late charges may apply if this happens more than once.
Our coaches are trained in emergency first aid, however it’s vital that we know everything possible about your child before they join the sessions if there are any medical conditions that we need to be aware of, ensure you speak with the coach before the session starts.
We would recommend doing this in their PE kit, or similar style jogging bottoms and T-Shirts with trainers. Please make sure they are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions on the day.
Drop your email address here and when we offer free taster sessions, fun trials, competitions or early booking discounts you will be the first to know.